Saturday, September 20, 2008

McChord Volksmartch

September 13, 2008

The kid's asked Karen and I to go on another 10K walk. so they arrived at the house about 5:30 AM to head south of Tacoma to McChord AFB. After going through the hastle of getting the kid's registered to get on base we followed the signs to the start of the walk.

After signing into the walk we started out. I like to take a picture of everyone before the walk and compare it to after.

It all started from the FAMCAMP called Holiday Park. The FAMCAMPS are set up on some bases to allow traveling military and retirees to camp for little or no cost depending on whether or not you have power and sewer hookups.

During the walk the base has a park set up for a few of the airplanes that have been at McChord. As it turned out they had an F102A on display. I was stationed in Iceland from 1971-1972 as a crew chief on the F102A. Justin looks so great saluting our military.
This is a full side view of the F102A.

Justin and Papa!

The fall colors are just now starting to turn.

This was taken in front of the Support Building.

Along the base proper you can see how they want everything to look right.

At about 3 miles Justin's feet started to bothering him, so he asked isn't the end right back there to the right. He said he was glad he didn't wear his combat boots.

One thing really nice about these walks is that Karen and Robin get a chance to talk alot.

About the last 2 miles were on the west side of the base and in full sun the entire distance. I know it was only in the 70's but it felt alot hotter until we turned into the trees again. At the finish everyone is glad to know that even though we felt better after 10K then we have before it's still done. After a real nice lunch that Robin brought we headed home.
Till next Time!

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