Sunday, September 7, 2008


Saturday Sept 6, 2008
Today I met the kid's in Coupeville as they were manning a check point with their walking group called the Northwest Treakers. This next picture is just for you Robin.

I arrived about 12 noon and Eddie and I went for a walk to the cliff's for some photo's. This is a beautiful area just off Sherman Rd by the old cemetary. There are two of the original buildings left standing of the Ebey Homestead.

As we approached the edge of the cliff's you could feel the breeze from the water cooling down the air. The puppies were definately feeling the heat as their coats are black and amber. We cooled down while taking some shots but the best spot on the path was taken by two teenagers who were to busy with each other to let anyone else use the location.

A ranger drove up to the check point and was telling us that they are rebuilding the homestead (built in 1854)so that next year it can be used as Interpative Center. I told him it was to bad they could'nt use the old building as they were covering all the history with new wood and cement.

There is quite a noticeable difference between the homestead and the mud hut as you can see.

This area gives you a good view as to what life could have been with all the homesteads.

The contrast between the ocean and farmland was really beautiful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

such a beautiful place :)