Thursday, August 28, 2008

Life has it's challenges

This is a time in our lives when we should be looking right around the corner to retirement. But the company I work for has hit a wall as far as negotiations with the union. These hard times play havoc on everyone. I am blessed with a great supporting wife and family that understand that although it will be hard we will always come out on top with help of GOD! It reminds me of how lucky I am to have my loving wife (Karen) and family. I know how truly blessed my life has been. Hopefully this stage of our life will be short so we can return back to a normal life, if there is such a thing.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


August 22, 2008

This last weekend we went on a walk through the Snoqualmie Tunnel just east of Snoqualmie Pass off Exit 54. If you have not gotten the chance to take this walk I strongly advise it. The Tunnel is 2.7 miles long, and there are picnic tables at the West end to have a nice lunch with your family.

Even though the wife is claustrophobic with the help of the family and several flashlights she made it through to the West entrance. After a good lunch we continued West along the road taking advantage of the beautiful area to get in some pictures.

After some time exploring the West side we deceided to return to the East side of the Tunnel and head for home. So I was going to get the wife ready for the walk into the Tunnel but when I turned around to talk to her my Grandson and her were already started into the Tunnel. She had a spring in her step as they sang tunes while walking. Although she still walked with a slight stagger bouncing off the Grandson and Son she was enjoying herself. We meet some nice gentelmen on the East side of the Tunnel who offered to take a picture with all of us, which we did. The ride home was quite as everyone was tired after the 6+ miles.

I am going to try and add some pictures now! Wish me luck.